Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Future Television in 3D format

A television system in 3D format that will provide holographic images could become a reality in our homes in a very short time, according to research conducted by a team from a British university.
Experts from the organization started a project funded by the European Commission to investigate the fundamental principles, technologies and practical in terms of placing on the market consumption of 3D TV systems.

Specialists in media claimed a few years ago that 3D TV will need about a decade to gain a significant share of the market. Recent discoveries, however, showed that a tridimesional television stereotypical with holographic images that do not impose the use of special glasses has come just a few steps to become a reality.
The research consisted in testing several technologies for the development and implementation of 3D TV, which would receive and display programs that incorporate 3D images.
Because tridimesional television will become a reality, researchers must develop a technology for creating programs that can be televised in this format and have the ability to transmit a vast amount of information required in the formation of a complete 3D images.
3D television could give consumers an experience more trained without the need of special glasses. Specialists say that besides changing the way in which we watch TV, 3DTV technology can be applied in other fields such as medicine, air traffic, military area, entertainment and more.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mozilla is dependent on Google

Mozilla recorded revenues in 2007 increased by 12% and were in total 75 million dollars, of which 88 percent are generated by searches in Google, exactly 66 million dollars. Unlike the financial report done for the year 2006, the financial benefits of Google rose by 3%.
At the time of launching Chrome browser, Google announced that it will maintain for another three years marketing partnership with the Mozilla and Firefox. Thus, the agreement between the two companies will end in 2011, not this month as had been originally set.

The report for last year of Mozilla only strengthen the reason for which the company has agreed to extend the agreement: the profit brought by the giant search engine. Space search Google Toolbar Mozilla Firefox brings the company revenue every time a search is performed on Google.
Even if the browser Firefox is successful and used by many people, it is free, which makes Mozilla to be depending on the financial benefits offered by Google.
Some market analysts say that Mozilla has delayed financial report for last year just because they saw the need to make advertising revenue from Google, which only demonstrate that Mozilla is no more a non-profit company.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Stupid Filter for the Internet

StupidFilter project wants to create a filter to detect silly comments from the Internet and to filter, like a spam filter

A group of software developers in the United States aims to fight against stupid comments on blogs and websites by creating a so-called "stupid filter". The project is called StupidFilter and wants to work like spam filters does. Software that will be installed on web servers, would intercept comments published, and if they are deemed not pass a minimum level of intelligence, to reject, with a message to their author, like "This comment is more or less obscurely. Tries to cure him". Comments will be rejected repeatedly until you have a point and an end or until the author or quit.

The authors of the filter, which is of course for English language are currently struggle with defining the rules which it will use. One of the problems is the difference stupidity of irony or sarcasm.
"People are smart often ironic," said Gabriel Ortiz, the project leader, who believes that irony and sarcasm may seem, to a computer, as stupid.
The project has already identified a series of rules such as using too much or too little capital letters, too many text abbreviations like in SMS-ups or excessive use of abbreviations such as LOL or punctuation. The people who created StupidFilter admit that it is an elitist project, but says that this is precisely the point.

The project currently appealing for volunteers (who can register online) who notes taken by the comments on YouTube to help determine a draft set of rules for this filter.

StupidFilter will be released as open-source software in the form of plugin for WordPress and Firefox and would be completed next year.

Microsoft support call after 10 years

An American received a call from the Microsoft department support for problem he had 10 years ago

On January 8 this year, Brian, a young American, was notified by his parents that someone from the department of support of Microsoft was looking for him, in order to find out if the issue regarding his computer was resolved.
Intrigued, not only because Microsoft does not call for any problem, but that was searched at home parents, which no longer lived for years, Brian, as it relates in his blog , initially thought it was about someone who claimed it was from Microsoft, wanting to find out who knows what information, a kind of phishing by phone.
Once he verified the telephone number that the people who were calling left to his parents, saw that really belongs to Microsoft, began to think of moments in which he appealed to this support. It was about 3 times in the past 10 years, last 2 cases were resolved the day after the call. Then he remembered the first time had a problem with his PC - something about Windows 95 - and call to Microsoft, while still living with his parents, not received any reply.
Then he realized that the date on which he called Microsoft 10 years ago was on January 7 1998. And he found a possible explanation for the call 10 years later. Likely someone from the support office wrote in the database that the client had to be called the next day, that is on 08/01/98, but accidentally wrote 08/01/08. Where the telephone call of more than 10 years.
If the story is not a farce, and the author insisted that was not, certainly is a very funny, but also very strange story.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The number of PCs that are in use has reached 1 billion

Approximately one of 7 inhabitants of the planet currently uses a PC

According to analysis firm Gartner, the number of PCs that are currently in use (not sold) in the world reached 1 billion and will double by 2014.

Growth will be supported in particular by developing countries, which now represents 42% of this market, but whose contribution will increase in 6 years up to 70%.

In a population recent estimated at around 6.8 billion, this means that on average one of 7 inhabitants of the planet currently uses a PC.
According to Gartner, this growth creates problems to the environment. Only this year will be replaced 180 million PCs, 35 million of them will be thrown to the dogs without measures recycling toxic components and heavy degradable materials from them.

The Internet - 176 million websites

The number of sites based on Apache and Google grows damage IIS server from Microsoft

According to analysis firm Netcraft, the number of Internet sites has reached at the end of August 176,748,506 millions. Of these, approximately 71 million are active sites.

Apache continued to be the dominant web server, with a market share growing by 0.33% from July, reaching 49.82%. The number of servers based on Microsoft IIS has decreased by 0.69%, reaching a market share of 34.88%. Follow Google is also growing, with a rate of 5.94%, and lighttpd with 1.65%.

The mouse that can take any form

Lite-On has created a mouse whose shape can be changed by the user wishes

Moldable Mouse is created by its authors to be adapted by the user in the most appropriate and comfortable for it.
Mouse is made from a kind of easy and non-toxic plasticine , covered with nylon and a material made of polyurethane, whose texture is similar to that of silk, but is more flexible.
The buttons and scroll-pad is touch-sensitive and can be attach anywhere on the surface of the mouse; they contain a RFID chip that communicates with the electronic mouse. It is situated on a pad that is flexible and where there are components and optical (mouse is a laser) and its batteries.
So far it is unclear if this mouse, which took a prize for design, will exceed the prototype stage to become commercial, but is a unique idea.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Japanese children watched by the babysitter robot

Would you let
a robot baby seat your children?

The latest information characteristic Japanese is that the parents can let their children baby seat by a robot while they are at shopping.
Tmsuk it`s a 1.40 meters high "hired" by the shop chain Aeon, who can interact with the child using a projector integrated into one of the eye and a digital web cam found in the other eye. The robot can also speak with the child, but it has a poor vocabulary.
The robot finds out the name of the child from a special label that contains a signal code who the child has to wear and who Tmsuk can read.
The designers of the robot hope that the future generations can be used to guide the customers into the shops and also serv as a conversation partner.

Monday, October 20, 2008

What a small world

The world is`s just at a 6,6 people distance away

A study made by the Microsoft researchers based on the IM`s messages sent through Microsoft Messenger seem to confirm the theory of the "six degrees of separation" between any 2 people from the planet. Or, more precisely 6,6 degrees of separation.
The theory of the six degrees of separation says that any 2 persons from Earth can be connected through 6 intermediate bonds based on the idea that "i have a friend who knows a friend who knows a friend...". The theory was conceived by an American Academician, Stanley Milgram, who made an experiment in the `60`s by sending letters to people he knew and the arrived at the conclusion that the medium number of connections between any 2 unknown persons is 6,2.
The later experiments, including the analyzing of the original`s study reasults, didn`t confirm anymore this theory, which remained somewhere at the urban mit level, becoming popular in the theatre play of Six Degrees of Separation, in the movie with the same title from 1993 and in the Six Degrees game of Kevin Bacon.
A group of researchers from Microsoft seem to confirm now this theory, found on larger and more precisely amount of data , meaning all the 30 milliards of messages sent through Microsoft Messenger between all its 180 millions of users during a single month of the year 2006.
The researchers were themselves surprized by the resalut, which showed that in average, the distance between 2 Messenger`s users is 6,6. The study considered that between 2 users existed a connection since they sent al least one message one to another. The reaults show that 78% of the users can be connected through maximum 7 connections, the maximum number of connections is of 29 persons.
From my point of view this is just another proof for me that we live in a small world.
What do you think?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Torrent Administrator condemned to prison

The Administrator of Elite Torrents was sentenced to 18 months of prison and a fine of 20.000$

Daniel Dive, a 26 year`s old American from Virginia, was sentence to 18 months of prison and a fine of 20.000$ for his administrative function of the EliteTorrents web-site.
This is the final sentence of this case which dates from 2005, when the FBI and ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) closed the EliteTorrents web-site, a torrent tracker with over 130.000 members.
Dove is one of the tree administrators arrested in this case and the only one who said he`s not guilty. While the other two co-operated with the authorities and received easy penalties, of 5 months in jail and 5 month home prisoner, Dove played his chances in front of a jury in which he failed.
The procurator accused him that he was responsible for the recruiting of the important uploaders, with bandwidth of approximately 50 times bigger than the usual connections to internet access, and that he operated a server of high speed to distribute illegal material.

Internet explorer 8, Beta 2

The new browser from Microsoft is trying to catch the competition from behind, but it`s also coming with new functions.

Internet Explorer 8 from Microsoft has now officially arrived at Beta 2 version, stage in which the new browser is considered almost ready from the point of view of its new functions.
As it was known even since the first beta version, lanced in March, one of the main changes from IE is the fact that is much more compatible with the web standards , chapter in which IE had to suffer. This change was so big that Microsoft expects that most of the existent web-sites not to be render properly with IE8 (including a lot of Microsoft`s web-sites).
Because of this, IE8 has a function that permits it to pass to the visualization mode of IE7 for this kind of web-site. For example, if a web-site seen with IE8 appear to be "broken", the person who use it can switch to IE7 mode by pressing a button, "broken page", which appears automatically in the address bar, in this situation. Also, the web-sites that are not prepared yet for IE8 can include a compatibility tag that tells the browser IE8 to visualize the page in IE7`s mode.
Some of the new functions of IE8 are already in the rival browsers for quite a time, but the new browser from Microsoft caught them from behind also trying to take them over with some things. In this way, IE8 will have an intelligent address bar, similar to Firefox`s 3 Awesome Bar, which can be used both to write the address, with auto-complete suggestions, and to search in the history and feeds of RSS.
The new IE allows you to return to the opened tabs before a crash and also gives you the possibility to reopen one of the last tabs closed by mistake. A very interesting function is that you can group the tabs on colors, so the tabs opened from a link of a web-page would have the same color as the one of the tab "mother", for a better identification of the pages connected somehow one to another. The tabs from the same group can be closed by a single action.
IE arrives with a new series of functions regarding the security and the insurance of the private intimacy of the users when they access the internet from another computer than their own. Microsoft introduce the term "InPrivate" which group this functions and which mean a way of "private" browsing through which the private information that involves browsing can not be accessible to other persons that uses the same browser. The first 3 functions of this kind are: InPrivate Browsing, InPrivate Blocking and InPrivate Subscriptions.
InPrivate Browsing allows to avoid the stocking of information that regards the browsing, such as visited web-pages, cookies or other data. InPrivate Blocking is a function that reveals the tracking information used by the web-sites to folow its users and permits to block this data collectiong. InPrivate Subscriptions allows the users to subscribe to the permited or blocked web-sites in matter of data tracking. IE8 has a "InPrivate" button, situated in the left side of the address bar, which, once pressed, activates the InPrivate Browsing and InPrivate Blocking ways of navogation.
Two other new functions of IE8 are known already from the beta version- Webslices and Accelerators (first named Activities). Webslices is a combination between a web-site and a add-on, permiting the subscription to the content from certain web-sites and which it continously updates, like an RSS, but more complex. This slices require that the web-sites offer this function. Example of possible slices are that Wikipedia, for instance, to offer automatic additional information regarding a name found by the user in the same page, or Amazon to offer, also automatic, information related to a book found in the current web-site. Accelerators offer rapid access from any web-page to web-site and services often uses by the user.
It seems that the users who have Windowns XP SP3 installed on their computers may have certain problems with Beta 2 version of IE8.

This is all for the moment regarding the new browser from Microsoft. For those who are interested, the IE8 Beta 2 version can be downlanded from this web-site-, where you can also find more information.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A software that makes your student`s life easier

I will make the presentation of a software that will make your life easier but that also implies some work from your part. The program is called JabRef (http://jabref. sourceforge. net). It`s a reference manager. In this program you can introduce different types of texts (articles, PHD book, etc.) in which you can write various details (author, keywords, abstract, review, etc.). This program is very good to sintethize notes on the text, for example when you review a text. It can help you very much also when you want to look for notes of definitions (for example if you have the definition for quality of life from ten books, if you search you can find it very easy; or , another example is that you can put every article, book, etc. in a diferent category for example imigration, and when you have 500 articles read and you want to see only the part that is related to that subject you go in that cathegory and find those thigs).
The real purpose of this program is in fact to write alone the references. For this you have to use this program in combination with another one that is called Latex (http://www.latex- This program is a profesional one whitch is also for free. This program is used for publishing houses. It could be a little complicated but it can help you a lot.
I hope that this information helps you with your studing.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Green is the new Purple

What do you think about that?