Sunday, October 12, 2008

A software that makes your student`s life easier

I will make the presentation of a software that will make your life easier but that also implies some work from your part. The program is called JabRef (http://jabref. sourceforge. net). It`s a reference manager. In this program you can introduce different types of texts (articles, PHD book, etc.) in which you can write various details (author, keywords, abstract, review, etc.). This program is very good to sintethize notes on the text, for example when you review a text. It can help you very much also when you want to look for notes of definitions (for example if you have the definition for quality of life from ten books, if you search you can find it very easy; or , another example is that you can put every article, book, etc. in a diferent category for example imigration, and when you have 500 articles read and you want to see only the part that is related to that subject you go in that cathegory and find those thigs).
The real purpose of this program is in fact to write alone the references. For this you have to use this program in combination with another one that is called Latex (http://www.latex- This program is a profesional one whitch is also for free. This program is used for publishing houses. It could be a little complicated but it can help you a lot.
I hope that this information helps you with your studing.

1 comment:

〰Floating〰° said...

Helloooo~ It is very cool purple world!